About 6 weeks ago my friend Beth over at iamthemamamantra.com asked me if I’d be interested in collaborating with her on a fun bloggy project.

“I want to do this thing where people can write in and ask questions and then moms answer them once a week. Mom to mom—about anything and everything. I want to call it #ASKAMAMA Monday.”

Beth and I had laughed, cried, and had been quoting GI Joe PSAs at each other for many years. I loved her idea and jumped in with no fear. Cannonball.

Porkchop. That is awesome. What can I do?”

“Will you be my first Mama?”

Back-peddle. Gulp.

Oh boy. Are you sure you want me to be the first one? I mean, I still eat Fun Dip and my bed head is epic. I haven’t filmed anything in 6 months. My roots are horrendous, I think I’m funnier than I actually am, and I’m definitely not an expert…

“So? What do you think?”

“It sounds great!” Take THAT nagging ego. Ha. “How do you want to do this?” I was referring to a small imposition —the fact that I was on modified bed rest at the time and was pretty much limited to sitting, lying down, and putting my feet up. I also knew it was going to be hard to coordinate this when both of us were pregnant, and both had kids under the age of 5 to wrangle.

“I’ll collect the questions and send them over to you, and if you can film it even on your phone or whatever that would be amazing! Just send the clips over and I’ll do all the editing and everything else. Just be you. It’ll be great.”

And that’s how I started reading other people’s mail and answering their questions.


I’ve never been featured in this capacity and it was an amazing experience to listen to people’s concerns and questions, help them out as best I could, and let my bed head shine.

I also loved that she found a way to produce these segments virtually.  I’m so proud to be part of this project. If you have questions or are interested in being a featured mama, don’t hold back. Details are below.

Next week kicks off the debut of the next Mama in this great series — author and eco-blogger Madeleine Somerville.

Another huge thank you to Beth and I Am The Mama Mantra for helping me get back in front of the camera just the way I am. I had a blast.

Thanks for having me Beth!

Here they are.

Got a question?

#ASKAMAMA Monday will tackle any sort of quandary you have, anything from parenting to lifestyle to health & wellness – you need to know?  We’ll get you the answer!

You can submit a question at any time through one of the following methods: